Bay County Chamber & Innovations host Mad City Money

Chamber News


On Friday, April 13th, the Bay County Chamber of Commerce Education Committee and Innovations Federal Credit Union partnered to bring Mad City Money to Mosley High School.

Mad City Money is a budgeting simulator for high school students.  Students develop financial skills by getting a taste of the real world as they take on the role of an adult – complete with occupation, salary, and a family. The challenge is for students to select housing, transportation, food, household necessities, clothing, day care, and other wants and needs, while creating and following a realistic budget. During the simulation, students discover what it is like to budget for monthly expenses, manage debt and save for the future, all while trying to stay on the “Fickle Finger of Fate’s” good side.

The educational financial literacy simulation took place at 9 a.m. in Mosley High School’s Media Center.

For more information, contact Elizabeth Smith at 850.215.3779 or